Cystic Fibrosis Center
Children's Medical Center is involved in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) care, education and research. Our center provides care for over 700 patients with cystic fibrosis at Children’s Medical Centers. The patients are referred to us from all over Iran.
We have a multi-disciplinary CF care team includes Pulmonologist, Gastroenterologist. Endocrinologist (Dialectologists), Nurse Practitioner, Dietitian, Psychologist, Clinical Pharmacist and Respiratory Therapists.
We use a team approach to care for patients with Cystic Fibrosis. All patients can get care from our specialists in one visit, every two to three months.

Sleep Center
Our Pediatric Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine Division provide multidisciplinary, comprehensive and individualized care for children from newborns to adolescents with a wide variety of sleep problems in near future. We will conduct overnight sleep studies of children with sleep disorders. The most common disorders that we evaluate and treat are obstructive and central sleep apnea. We diagnose and care for children with other sleep disorders such as Parasomnias,Narcolepsy,Circadian rhythm disorders and sleep-related movement  disorders.
Our primary team includes pediatric pulmonologist and pediatric neurologist. Associate members of our team are from other divisions, including otolaryngology, and oral and maxillofacial surgery.The service that we offer is over night polysomnography.

Home Mechanical Ventilation(HMV) Center

Pulmonary division of Children’s medical center has the  largest Pediatric Home Mechanical Ventilation programs in Iran. We successfully discharge over 2-3 infants, children and adolescents each month with mechanical ventilation to their homes. 
Our goals of home mechanical ventilation are to:
  • Sustain and extend life,
  • Enhance quality of life,
  • Reduce morbidity
  • Enhance growth and development, and
  • Provide cost-effective care.
Conditions requiring HMV include:
  • Parenchymal or airway pathology,
  • Neuromuscular or Musculoskeletal abnormality,
  • inadequate CNS control of the respiratory system,
  • Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia or
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
  • patients with cardiopulmonary or airway problems who are able to sustain oxygenation and ventilation but are not thriving because of excessive caloric expenditure from increased work of breathing
 Home care planning for these patients is implemented by a multidisciplinary team compose of Pulmonologist , Nneurologist , Cardiologist ,Pediatric pulmonary nurse specialist , social worker, respiratory therapist.Due to the complex nature of our patients conditions, we also work closely with representatives from , Orthopedics, Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Medical genetics, Psychology  and Speech Pathology.Pulmonologists manage children receiving part-time or full-time home Mechanical Ventilation via: Tracheostomy  or   Non-invasive Ventilation (CPAP or BiPAP).
We have one half day on Tuesday each week and all patients can get care from our specialists in one visit in our HMV Clinic.

  Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia(PCD) Center 
PCD is a rare disease that damages the cilia of the airways. PCD is characterized by recurrent pneumonias, recurrent or persistent sinusitis and ear infections. In Fifty percent of patients the heart appears in the right side of the chest instead of the left.
This center is another center within our pediatric pulmonary division. The PCD Center provides high-quality comprehensive treatment and follow-up care for children with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia to improving outcomes for these patients.
 The following patients should be referred to our PCD center:
  1. Patients  with established PCD
  2. Patients suspicion to PCD with the following findings:  
    1. Dextrocardia with respiratory symptoms include:chronic cough,wheezing and respiratory distress.
    2. Triad of chronic ear infections, sinusitis and lower airways disease
    3. Bronchiectasis of unknown etiology
    4. Chronic draining ears plus chronic cough and wheezing
    5. Neonatal respiratory syndrome (eg. collapsed lung, pneumonia, wet lung)  of unknown etiology with subsequent ear, sinus and/or lung problems
    6. Respiratory symptoms plus sibling with PCD

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